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  • Raw rice paper for practicing Chinese characters in Chinese calligraphy. The set includes 6 patterns of sheets with the popular four-line Chinese poems from the Tang Dynasty. A total of 30 sheets in the set


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    绝句 juéjù or quatrains were very popular among the poets during the Tang dynasty. Jueju always have 4 lines and one line contains 5 to 7 syllables .

    Rice paper for practicing Chinese characters JUEJU POEMS

    • Dimensions: 46 x 35 cm. 30 sheets per package (6 designs, 5 sheets each design).

      Chinese Poems (from Tang Dynasty):

      1. 春晓 - 孟浩然 ("Spring Dawn" - poet Meng Haoran).

      2. 静夜思 - 李白 ("Thoughts of the silent night" - poet Li Bai).

      3. 相思 - 王维 ("Miss" - poet Wang Wei).

      4. 江雪 - 柳宗元 ("Snow on the River" - poet Liu Zongyuan).

      5. 登 鹳雀楼 - 王之涣 ("To climb the stork tower" - poet Wang Zhihuan).

      6. 悯 农 - 李绅 ("Peasant sorrow" - poet Li Shen).

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